9a (+) by Sharma

Dani Andrada tells in his blog how Chris Sharma took advantage of the hitch when loosing the scheduled flight to the Canary Islands by driving back to Santa Linya to finish Directa Open your mind, where he failed at the very last move the day before. Concerning the graduation, Dani writes: “the grade, always complicated, and like Ramón Julián said, it maybe it´s easy for 9a+ and hard for 9a. In the future, perhaps slash grades are the better and more precise solution: 9a/+”.Dani ends his post reflecting on his 2008 activity: “This year is about to get to the end and I have my head full of projects for 2009. This 2008, I did not achieve my objectives, but I´ve been close. Now, I pass them into the next year. One was to send 50 routes of 8c or more and I only did 46 from 8c to 9b. I also missed my last project in Rodellar.” //IS
