Everest Research Findings Published

by Jack Geldard – Editor – UKC The Caudwell Xtreme Everest research expeditionorganised by Jagged Globe have published their findings. The expedition studied climbers on Everest, measuring blood oxygen levels at altitudes of up to 8400m. This research has helped give a better understanding of how people in intensive care might be treated.It seems likely that performance at high altitude is affected by how much oxygen a person´s haemoglobin can carry, or the efficiency of the cellular factories known as mitochondria, which use the oxygen. Commenting on the sciencenews website, expedition leader Michael Grocott of University College London says: “Patients suffering from cystic fibrosis, septic shock and othercritical ailments often have severely low levels of blood oxygen.Treatment often involves administering oxygen with a mask, ormechanically ventilating the lungs, a harsh procedure that can do moreharm than good…” “The blood oxygen levels of the four tested climbers were startlinglylow ? the lowest a mere 19.1 millimetres mercury, the researchersreport. In patients, levels below 60 mm Hg are cause for concern.” “The findings suggest that the amount of oxygen alone isn´t thesecret to physiological success. Other factors could be how much oxygena person´s haemoglobin can carry, or the efficiency of the cellularfactories known as mitochondria, which use the oxygen.” ?There´s a significant possibility that some people may just be more efficient.? Jagged Globe helped 240 trekkers reach base camp as part of thismedical research, as well as the climbing team, who took arterial bloodsamples on the Balcony (8,400m). Read a full report on the Science News website.
