Fred´s back on top!

We haven´t reported as much as we´d have liked to, but better late than never. The list is long and extremely impressive, including the first repeat of Bernd Zangerl´s New base line, hard 8C, a new 9a, and heaps more. Here are the sends from Aug 2002 till yesterday: South Africa July to august 2002 Black Eagle SD 8C FA Monkey Wedding 8B+/8C FA Scorpion 8A flash FA Umbuli 8A flash FA La gloire des papous 8A FA Crimp in the bush 8A FA USA January 2003 Nagual 8B/B+ FA Algerita 8B FA Martini on the rocks 8A+/B FA Suisse 2002 until today 7.4.03 Au fond du trou 8B/B+ Kesslerloch FA La vie en rose 8B Pelzli FA (toprope) Le galet 8B Murg FA Double Infraction 8A/A+ Murg FA A l?orée du bois 8A Murg FA Jojo 8A Alp FA Sur le fil 8A Alp FA La Griffe 8A/A+ Morschach FA L?âme s?ur 8A+ Morschach FA(toprope) Vision erratique 8A Morschach FA Blindflug 8A Art-Goldau FA La lanterne 8A Pelzli FA Anthronaut 8A flash Grottéanum 1st repeat Toit au Tessin de Willenberg 8B repeat New Base Line 8CAverstal 1st repeat Le Carrousel 8B GrottéanumFA Die Unendliche Geschichte Teil 2 8A/A+ repeat Routes La Chimère St. Loup around 9a