Gogarthgate……continued…the organic guidebook.

by Mick Ryan The debate over the definitive guidebook to Gogarth, dubbed ´Gogarthgate” continues. We did get an unofficial and off-the-record message from someone inside the Climbers´ Club, (dubbed ´Deep Throat´ after the secret source within the FBI who fed the press with details of the Watergate scandal) that the Climbers´ Club will no longer publish the definitive guidebook to Gogarth and will hand over the baton to Ground Up publishing. However, the Gogarth guide seems to have taken on a life of its own and to aid in the compilation of the guidebook an online wikipedia-type website has been set up that is open to all to contribute, view and print out.Have a good look around gogarth.wetpaint.com (soon to be www.gogarth.org.uk). Very impressive it is too with contributions from past and present Gogarth devotees. Adam Wainright wrote about the site and the guidebook, “We also need photographs of routes, crags and players, both recent, old and yet to be taken. We are also planning on including as many interesting stories, sound bites, quips and quotes as we can get our hands on. These could be historical, humorous, epic or otherwise so put the word out and if you have anything to add then get writing and get it to us.” Ground Up have been accused of being ´opportunist profiteers´, although as many have pointed out, even some within the CC, that what is being discussed is a ´relatively uncommercial definitve guide.´
