Good Wilton News From The BMC

by Guy Keating and UKC News In September United Utilites, owner of the popular Wilton Quarries near Bolton, Lancashire put this popular climbing area up for sale. Climbers were worried that access would be lost. However, working with Bolton shooting club, the BMC are near to a solution that will benefit all recreational users of this area. The BMC Access and Conservation team has been working hard on this for all of us, and Guy Keating (A&C Officer) reports: “Negotiations between the BMC, United Utilities and the Bolton shooting club are in an advanced state with all parties having reached agreement over the future of the famous Lancashire quarries. The exact details are being finalised, but it looks as though the BMC will be the new owners of Wilton 1, with the shooting club taking on the remaining quarries. All parties intend that climbing access to 2, 3, and 4 will continue as before.” Source and more: ( Source: BMC )
