Stevie Haston 8c+ at 52

Dec 19: Stevie Haston 8c+ at 52 by UKC News “Rob´s just been in the shop singing the praises of his father-in-law the infamous Stevie Haston. It seems that Stevie did his first 8c+ yesterday, a route called “Descent en Enfer” at the Grotte de Sabart in Ariege (Pyrenees, France). So as Stevie´s part sponsored by V12 (he gets free coffee and anything else his other sponsors DMM and La Sportiva can´t supply) we thought we should publicise this amazing feat. Not bad for a 52 year old grandad eh? There should be more in-depth accounts appearing on DMM and La Sportiva´s websites, keep an eye out for them.” Source: Profile
