Tremadog Revival – Can You Help?

by Mark Reeves North Wales has been in the grips of a renaissance for some time now, with re-equipping of the slate, the installations of retreat points on Clogwyn y Grochan and the clearing of encroaching vegetation at Tremadog. Clearing the overgrown routes at Tremadog is an on going project that requires help from you the climbers. There are two dates for the vegetation clearance, January 13th and February 10th. The work is being co-ordinated by Mike Raine, BMC Wales/Cymru area chair, and an active member of North Wales Climbers Action Group. If you can help out on any of these days then just turn up at Eric´s Cafe at 10 am with an abseil rope and gardening tools (sheers, secatuers and gloves). As further incentive those attending the cleaning sessions will receive a raffle ticket to a prize draw that will take place at the Tremadog Revival Festival that is on the weekend of the 24/25th March.The aim of the festival is to climb all the routes that have been cleaned, as well as trim back the spring growth, and not to mention having a bit of fun. To aid this Stu McAleese, alpine guru, will be giving a slide show on ´The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Adventures in Patagonia´, a raffle ticket will gain you entry in the talk. Where free beer paid for by the BMC will help lubricate the hecklers. If that´s not enough the BMC will pay your camping fees and anyone who attends all three cleaning events will receive a free DMM t-shirt. The event is being supported by NWCAG, The BMC, V12 Outdoor, DMM, Joe Browns, Planetfear, Eric´s Cafe and Pete´s Eats.
