World Cup Results – Ondra and Ernst Win

Adam Ondra on his recent ascent of Corona, 11+ (F9a+) , FrankenjuraUKC News, Jun 2009© Vojtech Vrzba

On Friday the 21st and Saturday 22nd of August the latest round of the leading World Cup was held in Imst, Austria.Interestingly the winners of the male and female event (Adam Ondra and Johanna Ernst) are both only 16 years old.The UK didn't have any climbers competing in the event.The top eight results are below:

1 Adam Ondra CZE
2 Patxi Usobiaga ESP
3 Sean McColl CAN
4 Sachi Amma JPN
5 Manuel Romain FRA
6 Klemen Becan SLO
7 Jakob Schubert AUT
8 Ramon Julian Puigblanque ESP
1 Johanna Ernst AUT
2 Angela Eiter AUT
3 Alizee Dufraisse FRA
4 Jain Kim KOR
5 Maja Vidmar SLO
6 Yuka Kobayashi JPN
7 Caroline Ciavaldini FRA
8 Christine Schranz AUT

Full results and a report on the event are avaiable from the IFSC Website Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen
