by John Willson Nigel Barry has compiled a fully updated script for Range West (Pembroke, Southwest Wales) as afirst contribution towards the next definitive Climbers´ Club Pembroke guidebook. It consistsof 150 pages of A5 including first ascent information, active contents andIndex. It also includes current access information and notes of routesfallen down. The main script is in normal word-processing guidebookformat. There are no maps or photographs, but some simple access diagramshave been inserted where they might be of use. The script is currently being proofread; at this stage we are notplanning to subject it to formal editing and typesetting. We hope to getgood feedback this season and then perhaps upgrade both contents andpresentation next year. It is to be available as a free download for screen viewing, or single or 2-up page printing. We plan to have itready before the first season´s ´briefing´ on 28th April. Keep your browser fixed onthe Climbers´ Club website for more information.
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