Sportklettern & Bouldern
[VIDEO] Bolting and Rebolting Sikati Cave Kalymnos
Dave Lane - founder of Arcteryx, Sergi Medina and friends rebolted and bolted a large amount of routes in one of the most scenic places of Greece: Kalymnos.
[VIDEO] Bouldern in den Wäldern von Fontainebleau
In diesem Beitrag begleitet Bergauf-Bergab Menschen beim Bouldern in der Nähe von Fontainebleau südlich von Paris.
[VIDEO] Alex Huber: Vom klassischen Bergsteiger zur ersten 9a+ der Welt
Alexander Huber von den Huberbuam dürfte jedem Bergsportler ein Begriff sein. Er hat in den 90ern am Schleierwasserfall mit der "Weissen Rose" und "Open Air" die schwersten Sportkletterrouten der Welt erstbegangen.
[VIDEO] Alexander Megos: What about the triceps?
Do we need triceps for climbing? Alex Megos & Chris Hanke investigating the role of the triceps in climbing and showing you exercises that they have done themselves as motivation for training the antagonists.
[VIDEO] Adam Ondra on “Bon Voyage” E12 (9a)
Trad climbing is a kind of climbing Adam Ondra always hesitated to immerse myself in. Influenced by the film Hard Grit, the idea of a bold and dangerous route where you can seriously hurt yourself was not very tempting to hin, even though he climbed many bold routes on Czech sandstone.
Petzl Kletterfestival 2024 im Frankenjura
Das 5. Petzl Kletterfestival im Frankenjura steht vor der Tür, und Kletterfreunde aus Nah und Fern können sich auf ein unvergessliches Wochenende freuen.
[VIDEO] Alexander Megos: URSUS | The days after the send
Alexander Megos: "After ending "Sleeping Lion" I had one day day left. So Chris tooked me to a route called "Ursus (8c+) and I gave it a flash attempt."
[VIDEO] Stefano Ghisolfi: ALL my secrets about ENDURANCE
Stefano Ghisolfi: "I'm training in Innsbruck in these days, and I can show you one of my training on double routes while I'm answering your questions about endurance climbing training."
Jacopo Larcher wiederholt Trad-Route “Meltdown” (5.14c)
Am 22. November 2022, gelang dem italienischen Kletterer Jacopo Larcher die dritte Begehung der ikonischen Trad-Route "Meltdown" im Cascade Creek im Yosemite Valley in Kalifornien.
[VIDEO] THE FULL JOURNEY 9B FA by Alexander Megos
Alexander Megos doing his first ascent "The Full Journey 9b" bolted by Tom Bolger in the amazing cave at Rocka de la Finestra.