by Mick Ryan Day 14 of the Hard Rock Challenge and Mark Stevenson and Rich Mayfield are doing well despite the bad weather. Routes done so far include: Coronation StreetMalbogies, AvonSouth Ridge Direct, ArranGob, Carnmore CragDragon, Carnmore CragThe Scoop, Sron UlladaleThe Great Prow, SkyeSwastika, Trilleachan SlabsShibboleth, Buachaille Etive MoreYo-Yo, Aonach DubhCarnivore, Creag a Bhancair Old Man of Hoy, Orkney Ravens Gully, Buachaille Etive More Centurion, Ben Nevis For a full route listing with grades pop on over to Bob Wightman´s Hard Rock page. Mark Stevenson writes, “After our mini-epic on Centurian yesterday we spent an hour and a half walking into the West face of Aonoch Dubh in torrential rain this morning before common sense prevailed. Conditions in the Highlands are now too wet for anyone, even as mad as us, to climb extreme routes safely.We are now heading South to Yorkshire, the Peak and the Lakes where there is less chance of us killing ourselves trying to climb in the rain.” Mark Stevenson and Rich Mayfield are attempting to climb all 60 routes in Ken Wilson´s Hard Rock in five weeks. You can keep up to date at their blog. The Hard Rock Challenge Blog: The Hard Rock Challenge Website:
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