Iker Pou and David Gambús have signed the first and second ascents of Combifetis, in Margalef. As Iker writes in his web page: “It was bolted by David Gambús only two weeks ago. I sent it first, followed right after by Gambús. We propose it as 8c/+. It´s a power endurance route on medium holds, being the harder part the first half and the last part of endurance. 20 metres. ¡¡¡¡¡Really good!!!!!Iker has been cranking hard last weeks, starting some 10 days ago with the first ascent of Delirum, 8c+ in Sakana + Victimas del pasado, 8c+, and Victimes del futur, 8c+, both in Margalef + the second Basque 8B, Morning glory, in Larraona.Pic: Iker in Delirum. (c)Jabi Baraiazarra
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