The Italian Job Full Resaults: Individual Event
Senior Men 1 Malcolm Smith Scarpa 1882 Ben Moon Red Chilli/Wild Country 1653 Andy Earl Scarpa 1603 Liam Halsey Red Chilli/Wild Country 1605 Miles Gibson Red Chilli/Wild Country 1546 Sam Whittaker Metolius 1517 Gareth Parry Metolius 1428 Ben Bransby Metolius 1399 Neil Travers Red Chilli/Wild Country 13110 Adrian Baxter Sportiva 12711 Bob Elliot Metolius 11212 Ed Robinson Team Ginsters 10713 Guy Meadows Team RockOn 10614 Mathew Murison10015 Steve Dunning Scarpa 9916 Richard Smith9517 Adam Mulholland9218 Dave Rudkin DMM 8918 Robin Sutton8920 Patch Hammond DMM 8821 Phil Eccleston Team RockOn 8422 Simon Tappin Team RockOn 8323 Al Cambell Team Ginsters 8224 Dave Furgerson Team FSA 8024 James McCaffie DMM 8026 Martin Smith Sportiva 7927 Peter Robins DMM 7728 Tim Hatch Sportiva 7428 Andrey Kosenko Sportiva 7430 Richard Duffy Scarpa 7031 Adam Demmert Team FSA 6832 Den Digler Bob Hope Pornstars 6833 Samson Alcock Bob Hope Pornstars 6634 Chris Lamare6336 Nat Billany Team RockOn 6236 Rupet Pearson Team FSA 6238 Chris Cubitt Sportiva 6139 Gav Foster DMM 5740 Steve Moore Fingers of Fudge 5440 Dave Pinnington Team Ginsters 5442 Ian Wilson5143 Martyn Fitzgerald4843 Mariano Kalfours Team FSA 4845 Brett Duffield4646 Steve Gay Team Ginsters 4447 Sixpack Jack Bob Hope Pornstars 4248 Barely Legal Bob Hope Pornstars 4149 Luke Gilbert3850 Mark Dray3751 Brian Darby3651 Neil Davies Fingers of Fudge 3653 James Dear3553 James Dear3555 Kento Kurdi3355 John Mitchell Team Ginsters 3355 Javier Sepulveda3358 Simon Tyler2759 Randy Backstage Bob Hope Pornstars 2459 Hugh Thomas Mulled Winos 2459 Jonny Winny Mulled Winos 2462 Phil White Fingers of Fudge 2263 Matt Ralph1864 Tom Chamberlin Mulled Winos 1665 Tim Pilling Mulled Winos 1466 Phil Fishwick Team RockOn 1167 Jason Taylor1068 Dominic Claxton068 Tim Hall068 Gavin Hodgson068 Niel Hogg068 Andy Long068 Dany Postolache068 Piers Preston Knight068 Chris Saunders068 Jay Stephenson040-50 Men 1 Stow Kellner Fingers of Fudge 472 Jack Tracey93 Mick D0 | Senior Women 1 Gabriella Masini Urban Rock 1332 Audrey Seguy Urban Rock 1223 Arlie Anderson Red Chilli/Wild Country 1164 Lucinda Hughes Scarpa 1085 Susan Hatchell Justin Timberlake Fan Club 955 Catherine Love Urban Rock 957 Ruth Taylor868 Anne Arran Justin Timberlake Fan Club 838 Hanna Wilson Team FSA 8310 Helen Elmore Justin Timberlake Fan Club 7610 Blanka Kantorova7612 Sarah Harrison Justin Timberlake Fan Club 7213 Joy Lanon Fingers of Fudge 4814 Liz Cant Mulled Winos 3614-16 – Boys and Girls 1 Trevor Nagler Westway Juniors 1352 Thomas Gore Dane Court 1163 Jemma Powell Metolius 1134 Russel Bates Dane Court 1065 Joseph Cook Dane Court 1026 Mena Wujastyk Urban Rock 987 Lilly Fitzgibbon Urban Rock 958 Phillip Maringer769 Trevor Hines Westminster School 7110 Oliver Williams7011 Huw Walters Westminster School 6112 Xavier Nuttall Mini Mile Enders 5813 Sophie Biddles Mini Mile Enders 5614 James Buxton Westminster School 5015 Blair Preston Knight4616 Rosemary Beentje Urban Socks 4117 James Washer2618 John Szpytola018 Tancredi Massimo0Under 14 Boys & Girls 1 Leah Crane Justin Timberlake Fan Club 1192 Tom Arnold Yo! Teens 1143 Tom Clowney Westway Juniors 1024 Tyler Landman Westway Juniors 995 Tony Musselbrook Dane Court 956 Jacob Cook Yo! Teens 947 Mathew Cousins Dane Court 818 Tessa Lyons709 Freddy Lyon Westminster School 6610 Tom Davison6311 Tom Adcock Urban Socks 6211 Luke Hodgekinson Urban Socks 6213 Hanna Wright Urban Socks 6014 Callum Hart Mini Mile Enders 5615 Michala Tracey Yo! Teens 5116 Rowan Keener Yo! Teens 4816 Jack Grylls Urban Socks 4818 Nat Keener Yo! Teens 4719 Toby Call Westway Juniors 4619 Jonny Lewin Westminster School 4621 Haley Moore Westway Juniors 4421 Peter Cass Mini Mile Enders 4421 Heather Pratt4425 Barney Biddles Mini Mile Enders 42 |
Team Event
Seniors 1 Red Chilli/Wild Country – (Ben Moon, Liam Halsey, Miles Gibson, Neil Travers, Arlie Anderson) – 7262 Metolius – (Sam Whittaker, Gavin Parry, Ben Bransby, Jemma Powell, Bob Elliot) – 6573 Scarpa – (Malcolm Smith, Andy Earl, Lucinda Hughes, Steve Dunning, Richard Duffy) – 6254 Urban Rock – (Gabriella Masini, Audrey Seguy, Mena Wujastyk, Catherine Love, Lilly Fitzgibbon) – 5435 Justin Timberlake Fan Club – (Leah Crane, Susan Hatchell, Anne Arran, Helen Elmore, Sarah Harrison) – 4456 Sportiva – (Adrian Baxter, Martin Smith, Andrey Kosenko, Tim Hatch, Chris Cubitt) – 415 7 DMM – (Dave Rudkin, Patch Hammond, James McCaffie, Peter Robins, Gav Foster) – 3918 Team RockOn – (Guy Meadows, Phil Eccleston, Simon Tappin, Nat Billany, Phil Fishwick) – 3469 Team FSA – (Hanna Wilson, Dave Furgerson, Adam Demmert, Rupet Pearson, Mariano Kalfours) – 34110 Team Ginsters – (Ed Robinson, Al Cambell, Dave Pinnington, Steve Gay, John Mitchell) – 32011 Bob Hope Pornstars – (Den Digler, Samson Alcock, Sixpack Jack, Barely Legal, Randy Backstage) – 24112 Fingers of Fudge – (Steve Moore, Joy Lanon, Stow Kellner, Neil Davies, Phil White) – 20713 Mulled Winos – (Liz Cant, Jonny Winny, Hugh Thomas, Tom Chamberlin, Tim Pilling) – 114Juniors 1 Dane Court – (Thomas Gore, Russel Bates, Joseph Cook, Tony Musselbrook, Mathew Cousins) – 5002 Westway Juniors – (Trevor Nagler, Tom Clowney, Tyler Landman, Toby Call, Haley Moore) – 4263 Yo! Teens – (Tom Arnold, Jacob Cook, Michala Tracey, Rowan Keener, Nat Keener) – 3544 Westminster School – (Trevor Hines, Freddy Lyon, Huw Walters, James Buxton, Jonny Lewin) – 2945 Urban Socks – (Tom Adcock, Luke Hodgekinson, Hanna Wright, Jack Grylls, Rosemary Beentje) – 2736 Mini Mile Enders – (Xavier Nuttall, Sophie Biddles, Callum Hart, Peter Cass, Barney Biddles) – 256 |
Thanks to Marc Alderson at the Danesourt Grammar School.