Jonathan Stocking on form in Terradets, SpainUKC News, 06 May 2009© Allan CassidyJonathan Stocking is the 16 year old British Youth Champion. He has recently flashed Primera Linea (F8a) at Terradets, Spain (see previous UKC thread).We got the details from Jonathan about his trip to Spain:”The weather was a bit wet, there wasn't much opportunity for hard sends so I just stuck to the easier routes. The F8a I flashed is called Primera Linea, it has a sustained start then a tricky slab section at the top.”Jonathan was climbing with Allan Cassidy, and they initially visited Rodellar, before being beaten by the weather, forcing them to change venue to Terradets.Reported on Greg Boswell's blog, is a quick mention that Allan managed a F8a+ onsight in between his belay duties for Jonathan who was busy with flashing F8a and also two F7c+'s (Energia Positiva and Last Line) and a F7c (Avantmatch). It sounds like the Scottish team had a very productive trip despite the weather.Jonathan has plans to climb the Brandler-Hasse route in the Dolomites later this year.Jonathan is sponsored byEvolv,PranaandMetolius. Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen
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