We received the following report from the Kandersteg Ice Climbing Festival which took place recently: Ice Climbing Festival 2006 ? Hot ice! The sixth annual Kandersteg ice climbing festival took place in its Bernese Oberland setting January 6 to 8, 2005. More than 500 ice climbers from all over came, climbed, discussed, tested gear and partied. With some participants from Japan, Scandinavia and South America, the ice climbing festival has developed into a truly international event reaching far beyond the Alps. Everyone, whether amateur or pro, found what they came for and the perfect winter weather provided for a great festival atmosphere. The ice climbing festival was initiated by Black Diamond and supported by Lowa, Patagonia, Julbo, and the municipality of Kandersteg. Workshops ? a massive success! Workshops were offered for the second time, attended by some 85 enthusiastic climbers. World cup climbers Sandra Wielebnowsky (AT), Petra and Jack Müller (CH), Simon and Samuel Anthamatten (CH), Markus Bendler (AT), Albert Leichtfried AT) and Pietro dal Pra (IT) gave workshops both Saturday and Sunday, where the participants had a chance to learn tips and tricks from the top ice climbers in the world first hand. Most leading climbers in Kandersteg The highlight Saturday night was a dry tooling fun competition. Many of the leading climbers showed up in the ?ice mecca? Kandersteg to kick off the up coming world cup. Therefore, 20 ?top cracks? were among the 100 climbers, who tested their strength and will-power on the competition routes built by Thomas Steinbrugger & Team, resulting in an even better atmosphere. At the end it was the familiar names on the top: Women: 1. Petra Müller (CH), 2. Sandra Wielebnowsky (AT). Men: 1. Albert Leichtfried (AT), 2. Simon and Samuel Anthamatten (CH). Presentations by Pietro dal Pra and Heinz Zak The presentations from Pietro dal Pra and Heinz Zak on Friday and Saturday evening were well received with over 300 and 400 people in the audience respectively. Once again the number of people who came went many times over the expectations. The party afterwards went on until late in the night / early in the morning. Ice climbing at its best Sunday was again full of action for many ice climbers. The festival spirit motivated many to get more climbing done at some of the natural ice routes that lie within walking distance from Kandersteg. A fabulous backdrop with blue skies and great ice conditions contributed once again to a friendly and relaxed festival spirit. Thanks and see you next Year! We would like to thank everyone ? helpers, participants and climbers ? who made sure the festival was once again a great success. See you January 5 to 7, 2007 in Kandersteg! ———————————————————————– If you have any news worth reporting please contact Matt – matt@planetfear.com / 0114 2969114 ———————————————————————–
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