The BMC have announced a number of climbing events taking place in 2002 as part of the UN International Year of the Mountains. These include: A Kyrgyzstan Extravaganza! (1-25 August). The Kyrgyz Alpine Club (with the support of Kyrgyz Government) will be holding a huge Mountain Festival in area of Lenin Peak (7134m) in the Pamirs this summer. Fair Heads in Ireland? (6-9 June). The first Irish International Climbing Meet to be organised by the Mountaineering Council of Ireland will take place at Fairhead in Country Antrim. Swedish International Women´s Climbing Meet (16-19 May). The Swedish Climbing Federation is inviting nominations for two BMC representatives to take part in The 1st International Women´s Climbing Meet in Gothenburg, Sweden You need to apply for places on these events Contact Stuart Ingram at the BMC – ( Source: BMC )
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