NOW LIVE!Martin Chester of the British Mountain Guides (BMG) is going live on the UKClimbing forums this Friday (19th June) TODAY!.If you have any questions about becoming a Mountain Guide, hiring a Mountain Guide or even on Alpine climbing in general, Martin will be on hand to give advice and explain how the BMG system works.He will also be able to give advice and information on anything to do with Plas y Brenin.Martin is the Publicity Officer for the British Mountain Guides, is chief instructor at Plas y Brenin (The National Mountain Centre) and is an extremely experienced and accomplished climber, skier and mountaineer.Martin's Q&A session marks the last in our series on Instructor Articles which have covered the full spectrum of climbing and mountaineering awards available in the UK.ASK MARTIN A QUESTION: UKC FORUM THREADMartin's Q&A follows our new article and video – VIDEO: British Mountain Guides (BMG)You can view the full range of articles on the UKC Articles would like to thank Sarah Stirling for her work on this series and also thank The BMC for the kind use of their videos. Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen
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