by Mick Ryan Jibé Two climbers who were familiar names in the 1980´s are still cranking hard despite being on the far side of 40.The English climber Geraldine Taylor (54) had a great summer this year despite the rain, climbing in Cornwall, Lundy and Pembroke. She managed to lead several E5´s including Yellow Pearls, Barbarella, Get Some In, White Heat and Mean Streak in Pembroke. In the Peaks she made her annual ascent of London Wall at Milestone and Goosey Goosey Ganda at Stanage. Geraldine told us: “There are many climbers in their 50´s+ who are climbing brillantly such as Rab Carrington and Al Austin. There are also several unknown women climbers who tick away quietly leading E4s and above. The important thing is to keep having fun climbing and to get out on the rock rather than spend time talking about “How do I improve my climbing”. You improve by doing it and enjoying what you are doing.” The French climber Jibé Tribout (45) was pivotal in the sport climbing revolution in the 1980´s making such cutting edge ascents as To Bolt or Not to Bethe first 5.14 in the U.S. at Smith Rocks, and numerous hard ascents in France. Jibé is 46 this year and is still making hard ascents. This summer he´s redpointed up to 8b and flashed 8a and even has a profile at
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