On Friday (20th February) Chris Sharma climbed another grade 9 sport route, proposing 9a+. Daila Ojeda reports (englishdailaojeda.blogspot.com)”The condition for climbing is perfect now! We have been taking advantage of the great weather these days… and today in Margalef Chris did the first ascent of “Demencia Senil” 9a+. One incredible overhang in the Laboratory. Really nice photo from the catalan-english Pete O'Donovan.Margalef is a conglomerate climbing area a few hours away from Montsant and Siurana, south of Barcelona. It is a relatively new area and seeing a lot of attention from Spain's top climbers.The statisticians at 8a.nu report that, “During the last 12 months, Chris has redpointed two 9bs, two 9a+'s, four 9a's and onsighted three 8c's.”Thank you to Pete O'Donovan for the photograph.Chris Sharma is sponsored by Evolv, prAna, Petzl, Entre Prises, EMS and Sterling RopesDiesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf UKClimbing.com anschauen
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