by Jack Geldard – Editor – UKC Backin July, Dave MacLeod succeeded on his hardest route yet; Echo Wall. A fearsome and dangerous arête climb, perched high on theflanks of Ben Nevis, the route took him several years of mental andphysical preparation before he was ready for the final lead. Nowhis hard work is over and, teamed up with his wife Claire, Dave hasproduced a film about his ascent. UKClimbing.comhave reviewed the film and you can read the complete review on theGear Page. Fromthe review: ?Thefilm documents the obsession of Dave MacLeod and his struggle to find,train for and finally climb one of the most important routes inrecent British climbing history.On another level it also documentswhat it takes to operate at the highest standard of rock climbing. The simple fact that Claire and Dave MacLeod have chosen to make andsell their own film shows the diverse skill set needed to succeed asa full time climber in today´s media hungry market…? “…A few lines from MacLeod feel like real gems of insight in to hisobsession and let his likeable and honest character shine through thescreen.I engaged with his revelation that he found the prospect ofleading the route extremely scary…? Daveand Claire have also released a trailer for their film, which isembedded below:
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