by Jack Geldard – Editor – UKC Llanberis mountain rescue team have been extremely busy this festive period, rescuing several parties of walkers from the hills of North Wales. Speaking in a BBC interview, Ian Henderson the team´s secretary said: "If people are well equipped and experienced, it is fine to go upSnowdon, but we´ve had to rescue people from high up who are wearingjust trainers, jeans and fleeces."Weather conditions in the national park are fantastic, with clear blue skies and a sprinkling of frost. It is however extremely cold on the hills, with some winter routes coming in to thin condition. Speaking on his blog Life in the vertical, local rescue team member Mark Reeves described how his Christmas day dinner was interrupted: "As many families were tucking into their crimbo dinner, my phone was beeping away; [Walkers Cragfast on Crib coch. Team to Nant]… Judging by the kit they were wearing they hadn´t thought once before heading up the hill in the middle of winter." Mountain rescue teams do a fantastic job. You can donateto the rescue teams here: On Line Giving Sources: Life in the vertical, BBC news
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