Here are some photos from the Miners Track up Snowdon taken early this morning.If you are venturing up the Miners Track on Snowdon, or doing any winter walking in the UK make sure that you are well prepared.If conditions are wintery, take crampons and an ice axe, goggles, a map and compass, headtorch and spare batteries, spare gloves or mits, a balaclava and your mobile. Leave a note at your car as to when you left and where you are going and any contact telephone numbers.Remember that whilst a valley approach may find amenable conditions once on a ridge strong winds and white-out conditions can make the situation very serious indeed.Whether your are experienced or a beginner, check these pages out at the MCofS website for a lots of great advice, BEFORE YOU SET OFF.MCofS Safety Advice LinksWinter Essentials for Hillwalkers and Mountaineers Winter Check List
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