Zusätzlich zu den Komponenten der Waterpro-Serie verfügt der Toro über weitere Details, wie eine Oberfläche aus Gewebe und synthetischem Leder sowie Klippverschluss. Specs:
- Größen Männer: 40-49
- Farben: Schwarz, Walnuss, Grau/Rot
- Erhältlich ab VK 75,-EURO
Der WATERPRO MERCED ist das weibliche Pendant zum TORO.Die speziell für Frauen entwickelte Sandale besitzt eine Q-Form(TM) Sohle, die sich perfekt der weiblichen Anatomie anpasst und so für optimalen Gehkomfort sorgt. Specs:
- Größen Frauen: 36-43
- Farben: Lehm, Aqua
Erhältlich ab VK 75,-EURO
About Merrell What began in the Green Mountains in Vermont, now roams the world. For more than 26 years, Merrell has been providing outdoor enthusiasts with quality performance footwear. As the needs of the outdoor enthusiasts have changed, so too has Merrell's approach to addressing those needs. Over time, the concept of "outdoor" has broadened to include all types of activities and environments – both natural and urban. Merrell is driven to keep pace with this evolution of "The New Outdoor," and continues to evolve. It's been written that what's important is not the destination, but the journey. So join us as we take you through The Merrell Journey – from all-leather hiking boots to plastic telemarking boots to the moc that created the Aftersport category.