[VIDEO] Mike Stam in “Fear of Commitment”

Ein ruhiges, nachdenkliches und fast schon philosophisches Video über das Klettern, ästhetische Linien und Hingabe. Der US-amerikanische Kletterer Mike Stam erzählt über sein wunderschön gelegenes Boulderproblem "Fear of Commitment".

Vimeo Text

Mike is not only an amazing climber, but he is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. A true inspiration not only to me, but the whole climbing community in North Carolina.

Mike and I talked about shooting this project for eight months before finally getting around to it. It was worth the wait.

FA – Fear of Commitment
Check out movementonstone.blogspot.com for more information about Mike.
Special Thanks –
Mike Stam
Ryan Sigsbey

Music –
Green Button Music

"Inspirational Entities"
"Positive Vibes"
"Poignant Progress"

QuelleThomas C. Webb (Vimeo User)