
Stephan Siegrist begeht am Kilimanjaro die höchstgelegene Highline der Welt (c) Thomas Senf

Stephan Siegrist begeht am Kilimanjaro die höchstgelegene Highline der Welt

Der Schweizer Profialpinist und Mammut Pro Team Athlet Stephan Siegrist realisierte in der Gipfelregion des Kilimanjaro einen aussergewöhnlichen Balanceakt. Er überquerte auf 5700 Metern über Meereshöhe eine Highline und stellte damit einen Weltrekord auf.
Highballin' In Swaziland With Jimmy Webb And Nalle Hukkataival (c) EpicTV

[VIDEO] Highballin’ In Swaziland With Jimmy Webb And Nalle Hukkataival

After discovering the first major bouldering venue in Swaziland, Nalle and Jimmy go after the most striking and obvious lines in the country. They find a crag that's close to the clouds, with giant hard problems.
Alex Honnold Climbs In Angola (Full Movie) (c) VICE Sports

[VIDEO] Alex Honnold Climbs In Angola (Full Movie)

Alex Honnold is the most accomplished free climber in the world. Angola is a southwest African country that recently emerged from 27 years of bloody civil war. What brings together these strange bedfellows you ask?


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