[VIDEO] Dani Arnold and David Lama on Moose’s Tooth in Alaska
In 2013 Dani Arnold and David Lama teamed up for an expedition to Alaska and were able to realize a spectacular first ascent right away. With their route new route "Bird of Prey" Arnold and Lama manage to pull off the first line through the central headwall of the 1500-meter east face of Moose's Tooth.
[VIDEO] Hansjörg Auer and Much Mayr in “Ice like Sugar”, Mt. Reaper, Alaska 2015
In May 2015, Hansjörg Auer and Much Mayr made the first ascent of the previous unclimbed Mt. Reaper in Alaska via their North Face route "Sugar Man" (M7, 85°, A1, 750m). A steep wall with intense and straightforward climbing. The ice couldn’t have been any thinner, otherwise their alpine style attempt would have ground to a halt.
“Black Roses” – Erstbegehung am Devils Paw Northtower
Roger Schäli und Simon Gietl gelingt vom 18. auf den 19. Mai 2015 die Erstbegehung der Route "Black Roses" am Devils Paw Northtower in Alaska, USA. Der Aufstieg erfolgte dabei innerhalb von 19 Stunden, der Abstieg innerhalb von fünf Stunden.