The ACT (Acces & Conservation Trus) are running an Art and Photographic Competition. By taking part you will give yourself the opportunity to win gear and cash prizes and have your art or photograph published in a new book ?Freedom Tomorrow?. The theme for the book ?Freedom Tomorrow? is based on the importance of good practice and sustainable use of the environment to protect our freedom to enjoy the outdoors. Send in a photograph or piece of art that represents your vision and enjoyment of the natural environment in England, Wales, Scotland or Ireland and why it is worth conserving for tomorrow. The competition has the following 4 categories: Photography Art Junior photography (16 or younger) Junior art (16 or younger) Send your entries marked with your name and postcode to ACT Art and Photography Competition at the BMC. The closing date for entries is 10 February 2002. Contact the BMC office or see the BMc website for full rules. Rules of Entry Entry is open to all, with one entry to each category of the competition per person. An entry to a category comprises one photograph or piece of art. Photographs can be slides, prints, or digital images, but digital images must be entered on CD and accompanied by a print out. Art may be supplied as is, or as photographs. Entries must be posted to The BMC, Art and Photography Competition, 177-179 Burton Road, Manchester, M20 2BB ? no email entries accepted. Only entries with a stamp addressed envelope will be returned. All entries (including slides) must be marked with your name and postcode. The BMC and ACT reserve the right to use entries in publications/web related to the promotion of the ACT book. Entrants to the junior competition must be 16 or under on the last day of entry. Every care will be taken with entries, but the BMC and ACT cannot accept liability for any loss or damage to entries. Any entries received after the closing date will not be accepted. The prizes are as stated and no cash or alternative prizes can be offered. The editor?s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.See The BMC site for more information.
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