reports that Alex Huber has soloed an 8b at one of his local climbing areas, the Schleierwasserfall in Austria. “Der Opportunist” is a classic 8b at the same crag as Huber´s own route Om (9a) and Gambit (8c+).It takes a steep diagonal line and involves a crux at 12 metres. Huber gained much publicity from his solo last summer of the 550m 7a+ “Brandler Hasse” on Tre Cime di Lavaredo in the Dolomites, but was criticised by some who felt it was a stunt performed to boost his profile.It wasn´t reported at the time that he had climbed the route five times in preparation for his solo ascent. In this case, Huber makes no secret of having Oportunist totally wired, it having been a training route for him over the years. ( Source: Planet Mountain )
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