All the Alpine 4,000m

by Lindsay Griffin – BMC DiegoGiovannini and Franco ´Franzo´ Nicolini have recently completed thefirst non-mechanized link up of all 82 Alpine 4,000m summits thatappear on the UIAA´s official list.Noone had succeeded in climbing all 82 in a single project when PatrickBerhault and Philippe Magnon set off in the winter of 2004 for acontinuous, self-propelled traverse. Sadly, this was not completed:Berhault fell to his death after the pair had completed 65 summits. Giovanniniand Nicolini, both guides from Italy´s Trento region, opted to trackfrom west to east, ending with the Bernina. They used no mechanizedtransport and completed the journey in an impressive 60 days, startingin late June. They were originally joined by Merko Messanotte, who hadto give up with foot problems after 21 summits. Read the full report by Lindsay Griffin on the BMC Website ( Source: BMC )
