by Jack Geldard – UKC Web Genius Nick Smith has added an amazing new feature to the UKC photo galleries. The new viewing feature requires a plug-in from Piclens: “PicLens instantly transforms your browser into a full-screen, 3D experience for viewing images on the web. Photos will come to life via a cinematic presentation that goes well beyond the confines of the traditional browser window. With PicLens, browsing and viewing images on the web will never be the same again.” Download the plug-in here: Currently the Piclens feature is available on the Top 200 gallery, the New this Week gallery and the Top 10 photo´s of the week. UKC is moving forward; we recently launched the new Classifieds area and we have other new photo and video features in the pipeline. This is what we thought of the new photo feature: Mick Ryan: “Wow..that is gobsmakingly amazing.” Nick Smith: “Browsing the UKC Top 200 photos with it is just stunning!” Jack Geldard: “Very Nice.” Try it out and please let us know what you think.
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