Ramón Julian Puigblanque has onsighted Suma0, 8c, in Cuenca, Spain. The route is 32m long including 10m overhang. Ramón becomes the fourth man to onsight 8c after Thomas Mrazek, Patxi Usobiaga and Yuji Hirayama.Last year Ramon was leading the UIAA difficulty World Cup when he missed the final isolation time in the last competition to finish in third place overall. Caroline Ciavaldini has onsighted A Bout De Souffle, 8b and another two 8a´s. Last year Caroline onsighted Millenium, 8b in Sardinia. Caroline is currently ranked 3rd in the UIAA world rankings. Source: 8a.nu Rumour has it that Ricky Bell has established a new E8 on Fairhead in Northern Ireland. We´ll post details as soon as we get them. ———————————————————————– If you have any news worth reporting please contact Matt – matt@planetfear.com / 0114 2969114 ———————————————————————–
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