Auchinstarry Quarry, a popular venue for Glasgow based climbers, has been undergoing 'safety work' courtesy of North Lanarkshire Council which is having a major impact on the climbing there. Barriers are being erected and climbing is impossible in some areas.The council are concerned about liability and have deemed some areas of the quarry unsafe and are have instigated some rock stabilisation work. They have done this before.Hebe Carus of the Mountaineering Council of Scotland (MCofS) has been in discussion with the council but has found them to be frustratingly fickle:”I have complained to the Access Officer that there is a lack of clear information and reasoning and that decisions regarding access are being taken without a legal reason…A meeting between the Access Officer and the maintenance staff was postponed from 12th April to 19th April, I have phoned and e-mailed to express the urgency as rock season is here already and I have been chasing this on behalf of climbers since last year”More info on the MCofS website.The quarry is a popular and high quality climbing ground with around 120 mid grade routes. Judging by the UKC Logbooks, the most popular route there is The Scream a classic Severe that has 243 logged ascents by UKC users.Hebe Carus will be updating the MCofS website when more information becomes available.More Info On Auchinstarry Quarry:Auchinstarry Quarry Stirlingshire, SCOTLANDClimbs 119 – Rocktype Dolerite – Altitude 100m – Faces S
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