Bering Straits Crossed On Foot

British adventurer Karl Busby is part of a two man team which has become the first ever to walk across the Bering Straits, the frozen sea that separates Alaska, USA and Russia. The ex-Paratrooper braved sub-zero temperatures, breaking ice and the threat of polar bear attacks to make the crossing as part of his bid to become the first person to walk all the way around the world. He set off on November 1st, 1998 from the southern tip of South America and, when completed, Karl will have walked 36,000 miles in the single, longest continuous expedition on foot and will have forged the longest unbroken path in human history.   The direct distance between the two countries is 58 miles but because of breaking ice and shifting ice floes it is impossible to travel in a straight line. At one point he was pushed more than 30 miles off course towards the Arctic Ocean. For this leg of the journey he walked with endurance racer Dimitri Kieffer. After several days on the ice, the pair was forced to transfer all their equipment on to one sledge after the other was torn apart by jagged ice. The Bering Strait crossing has lured a variety of adventurers in the past two decades who have used several different methods to try and get across the moving ice and open water, including bike, car, tank, dogsled, kayak and balloon. Bushby and Kieffer travelled in the dark using night-vision scopes mounted to helmets. In addition to the night-vision equipment, Bushby had other new high-tech gadgets which helped in the crossing. One is a parafoil kite that has a wireless camera attached to the string so the pair got an aerial view of the surrounding landscape. The camera was hooked up to a hand-held screen that allowed Bushby to look at the ice ahead. Karl´s journey, called the Goliath Expedition involves a non-stop tour of four continents and 25 countries. During this time, his amazing adventure will mean he?ll have scaled seven mountain ranges and trekked across six deserts. So far he has completed 17,000 miles. If he maintains his current speed then he can expect to arrive home in Hull in 2009. He has already walked through South and North America and crossed the Darien Gap, where the Pan-American Highway that spans South, Central and North America seems to go missing, in pursuit of his target. Like many adventurers before him, Karl´s motivation for the incredible trek is the fulfilment of a personal dream. At the start of his walk he said: “It is possible to journey by foot from the southern most point of South America back to England and leave behind you an unbroken trail of footprints.? ———————————————————————– If you have any news worth reporting please contact Matt – / 0114 2969114 ———————————————————————–
