Blackpool Rock and BMC at the House of Commons

by BMC The BLCC stands for the British Lead Climbing Championships. It is the new name for the BICC. The new name reflects the fact that the event is lead climbing and is not necessarily indoors. This year the event will be held on the 28th (senior) and 29th (junior) July 2007 on the impressive Blackpool Climbing Towers. Additionally, we have arranged a social opportunity on the Saturday night, the highlight of which will be Gareth Parry giving a talk about his (relatively) recent trip to Madagascar. Read the full report at On Wednesday 18th July BMC Press Officer Tina Gardner and BMC Access and Conservation Officer, Dr. Catherine Flitcroft were invited to the House of Commons to join the Ramblers Association to celebrate the launch of the public consultation on coastal access. Read the full report at ( Source: BMC )
