The BMC Alpine Lecture series starts on Tuesday 4 March in London and tours UK cities, Bristol, Birmingham, Sheffield, Leeds and Newcastle until 13 March.For 2003, Aspirant Guide, Rich Cross joins IFMGA Guide, Libby Peter in answering your questions about mountaineering in the Alps. The lectures are aimed at anyone with an interest in walking or climbing in Alpine regions and these slide shows will inspire you and give an insight into the bigger hills. During the evening the topics illustrated and discussed will include: areas to visit best times of year to go avoiding hazards such as stonefall avalanche and storms safe glacier travel moving together alpine grades alpine huts and bivis. Dates: London 4 March, Bristol 5 March, Birmingham 6 March, Sheffield 11 March, Leeds 12 March, Newcastle 13 March.Tickets cost £4 BMC members, £5.50 non-members. Tickets and more info visit or call 0870 010 4878
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