Brenna onsights 8b+

Hector del Campo tells us Cristian Brenna has managed the second onsight of Mortal Kombat, nowadays 8b+. The route, originally graded 8c/c+, became famous when Yuji Hirayama onsighted it in November of 1999. The route was graded 8c at the time and his send was hence heralded as the first 8c onsight. By onsighting 8b+ Brenna joins a very exclusive club. Only Elie Chevieux (Massey Fergusson, Calanques, 1995. Maldita María, Cuenca, 1995) Yuji Hirayama (Mortal Kombat, Castillon, 1999.) have managed this before. Klem Loskot, Garth Miller (some would call his ascent of Cannibals direct an onsight, we choose not to), Chris Sharma, Tomasz Mrazek, Luca zardini, Dave Graham and Katie Brown has flashed this grade.