Cristian Brenna has onsighted Mortal Kombat. Originally 8c/c+, it made headlines when Yuji Hirayama onsighted it in November 1999, becoming the first person to onsight (then) F8c. It has since been downgraded to F8b+ meaning that Christian Brenna has now joined the ranks of a select few climbers around the world who have onsighted, or even flashed, the grade. Only Elie Chevieux (Massey Fergusson, Calanques, 1995. Maldita María, Cuenca, 1995) Yuji Hirayama (Mortal Kombat, Castillon, 1999.) have managed this before. Klem Loskot, Garth Miller, Chris Sharma, Tomasz Mrazek, Luca zardini, Dave Graham and Katie Brown has flashed this grade. Thanks to for the news.