Ben Hirst on Practically Everything, F7a, Castlebergh Crag© Dave MusgroveWoman Stretchered From Castlebergh Crag 1 Day After Opening:Castlebergh Crag was officially opened on Saturday the 11th of July. On Sunday the 12th a 40 year old woman was hit by a falling rock, and was stretchered from the crag by the local Cave Rescue Organisation.The rock was dislodged by a climber on the crag and the woman suffered back injuries and was taken to hospital by ambulance.The venue is small and, like many Yorkshire limestone cliffs, still has some unstable rock.”Our initial assessment from the ground was that with just a few days work we could remove the more obviously perched loose blocks and create probably about a dozen reasonable climbs. That was before we checked out the crag by abseil and found just how loose it really was!” commented crag equipper Dave Musgrove in an earlier news report on UKClimbing.Note: The crag is small and cannot support many teams climbing there at the same time. For this reason it has been asked that climbers try to refrain from all rushing there at once.UKC News Report on the opening of Castlebergh CragUKC Destination Article to Castlebergh CragSource: Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen
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