Kenton Cool has made the first British ski descent of an 8,000m peak. On the 2nd and 3rd of October he skied alone from the Summit of Cho Oyu (8201m) to Camp 1, the limit of the snow line. He made one 30m abseil to overcome a vertical ice cliff. Having only been skiing for 5 years he had planned to make the descent with Australian Nick Farr, but had to go it alone when Nick´s boots froze on the summit! Here´s what Kenton had to say about the experience: The skiing was crap with serious wind blown snow on the top. I jumped turned, side slipped and made my way down to the traverse line. It was all very stressful one mistake and I would disappear forever. the traverse proved to be ok, I hit a hard patch of snow and made a number of turns to lose height. I knew there was a rock band beneath me and i had to find a way through. The gap appeared and I jumped turned into it before hitting (at last) better snow and some great turns took me whooping into camp 3. It had taken only 1.5 hrs from the top to camp 3, here I grabbed all the stuff we had left and left to camp 2. This was much easier then the top half and I was in camp 2 some 40mins later. Here Katie and Guy were waiting for me. Katie greeted me and I burst into tears. The whole thing had been so stressful and now it was over, the emotional release was amazing I sobbed shamelessly in her arms. Even though it was early I decided to stay at camp 2 and support Nick who was walking down with his skis (very upset). I´m running out of power on the laptop at BC but in brief I skied down from camp 2 to 1 (limit of snow line) with a 30m rappel on the sheer ice cliff the following day and then walked back to BC. I carried my skis all the way up and then down again. I used oxygen from camp 3 to the summit. You´ll be pleased to know that the team made it to the summit. Kenton has now climbed Everest three times and Cho Oyu once. ———————————————————————– If you have any news worth reporting please contact Matt – / 0114 2969114 ———————————————————————–
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