Treading in the footsteps of Scott and Amundsen in a modern day Race to the South Pole Ben Fogle and James Cracknell are to follow up their Atlantic rowing odyssey with a race to the South Pole. The duo plan to compete in The South Pole Race, the first race to the South Pole since Captain Scott and Roald Amundsen?s epic journey almost 100 years ago. South Pole Race 2008 will see modern day teams race across Antarctica in equally balanced conditions: all skiing with the same loads on the same route, over 370 nautical miles to the Geographic South Pole. Last year TV presenter Fogle and double Olympic gold medalist Cracknell were placed second in the pairs division of the 2005?2006 Atlantic Rowing Race a 2,937-mile row in “Spirit of EDF Energy?. The enormously successful ?Through Hell and High Water? (BBC/Twofour) followed their experiences on the race. The pair?s new adventure to the South Pole is set to be made into a 5 part series for television. During the race itself viewers will be able to track the team´s progress on the web with videos and diaries on Fogle and Cracknell also hope to involve schools in the project. Now the pair will attempt the grueling journey in temperatures of minus 50C, trekking more than 370 nautical miles across the world?s largest ice cap to the Geographic South Pole.Teams must comprise three people and the search is under way for the third member. Fogle and Cracknell have approached a number of high profile athletes, Hollywood stars and famous musicians who they think have what it takes – although they refuse to name names.The third member is in for a grueling journey – after two weeks of intensive Polar Training in Antarctica, teams will set off from the edge of the Antarctica continent to ski across the largest ice cap in the world to the Geographic South Pole. Crossing awe inspiring glaciers and passing giant crevasses, competitors will face wind-chill down to -50C as they climb 9300 ft. to the Pole. Entries for The South Pole Race are still open; more information is available at the South Pole Race website:
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