Dark & White Events/planetFear – Adventure RaceHope Valley – 17th June 2007 Perfect weather and rapidly drying tracks and paths made for good/fast conditions for the second race in the Dark & White/planetFear 2007 series.The final results showed some exceptional performances in all classes, notable scores from Angus Shedden/Solo Men (407 points), Ruth Hollinger/Solo Women (327 points), Tony Hall/Vet Men (317 points), Dave Sleath/Kevin Dawes/Vet Men Team (317 points), Clare De Faye/Vet Women (277 points) and Stephen & Tim Martin/Generation Class with a superb 297 points.For a full list of all results go to www.darkandwhite.co.uk and navigate to the results page. The course was laid out so with thoughtful planning and strategy at the start that both bikers and runners would have a very good chance to get round in the time allowed. The control sites were placed that all levels of ability could pick up the minimum number of six biking controls and get to the running transition point in approximately 2 hours. The compulsory six run (or walk/hobble/shuffle!!) controls were collectable in under 2 hours, leaving an easy last blast back down Winnats or the old Mam Tor road to the finish.The 40 bonus points incentive at TP2/Control 5 tempted various people at an early stage directly away from the running section thus leaving them too much to do late on in the event, hindsight is such a wonderful thing! Any comments on the event are always welcome info@darkandwhite.co.uk your feedback ALWAYS helps us with the planning and preparation of future events. The next Adventure Race is on Sunday 2nd September with more 2007/2008 dates to be announced in the near future – keep checking the Diary of Events page on www.darkandwhite.co.uk
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