by Mick Ryan Dave MacLeod Dave MacLeod is one of the World´s top all round climbers and author of the UK´s hardest traditional route Rhapsody, given the grade of E11 7a (UKClimbing article). He is also a qualified sports scientist and climbing coach. He is now sharing the knowledge that has helped him excel in all disciplines of climbing with us all via an online blog “Online Climbing Coach” The latest articles include When is climbing off-season?, New to climbing? the basics, and Specific technique – feet are for pulling too!. One that caught my eye was entitled, Perspective – a culture of low standards and included these nuggets of wisdom.?It is quite amazing how much we are influenced by the people around us and their habits. It happens in every sphere of life (I could give thousands of examples but a moments thought will surely reveal them). Climbing is no different.? and concludes..?Yes, believe it or not if you spend all your time climbing with good climbers (good in some respect, not necessarily grade, maybe just effort level) it rubs off on you without you even knowing it.? I´m sure all readers at will be pointing their browsers (Online Climbing Coach) to this wealth of climbing wisdom. Nice one Dave.
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