Dave Graham has sent a report: At the Telli, he onsighted an 8b called Mephisto, “it was hard” and did an 8b+, Hurvenik, 2nd try. In the Basler Jura, he climbed: Enfant de Boheme, 8c+, 2 tries one day Ravage, 8c, some tries Journey through craziness, 8b+, 4 tries 1 day Now wait for last year, 8b/8b+, 2 tries FA In Lehn he onsighted Good News an 8a+, “it was fucking hard”. Weiss Arena,8a+, was onsighted as well, but not it wasn´tas heinous. All this happened during the past three weeks of “SHIT weather, rain rain rain” Bouldering, at two secret places: one spot he did an 8B+ of Fred Nicole´s in two days, name unknown, also an 8A+ called Sher Khan, as well as two 8A`s. At a sandstone spot one day, he climbed two 8A`s, onsighted an 8A+, and an 8A. “It was a good day.” Dave also says he´s hurt his finger when working Im Reich des Shogun, 9a. Let´s hope it´s not too bad… And yeah, Dave´s still pretty much #1…
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