David Graham Repeats Realisation

by Mick Ryan David Graham Josh Lowell of Big Up Productions reports at his blog: www.bigupblog.com “Just got a text from Dave – He did Realization today! He is the fourth person to climb it after Chris, Patxi Usobiaga, and Sylvain Millet. In 2001 he belayed Chris on the first ascent and has been trying it on and off ever since.” Realisation, at Ceuse, France was first climbed by Chris Sharma in 2001. Originally it didn´t reach the top of the cliff and was called Biographie first redpointed by Arnaud Petit in 1996 and given 8c+. The extension was tried by many climbers over the years before Sharma´s success. It is thought to be 5.15a or 9a+. See also this thread started by Andy Farnell: www.ukclimbing.com/forums You can watch a VIDEO of Chris Sharma on Realisation at video.google.com
