by Mick Ryan Dean Potter on Delicate Arch After Dean Potter´s free solo of the Delicate Arch, Arches National Park have updated their regulations to now read, “All rock climbing or similar activities on any arch or natural bridge named on the United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute topographical maps covering Arches National Park are prohibited.” Arches acting Chief Ranger Karen McKinlay-Jones said. “It was always our intent that all named arches . . . are closed to climbing. This was clearly understood by the climbing community in Moab as well as by climbers who come here from other places.The park´s newly worded climbing ban leaves no room for doubt.” Patagonia Inc who sponsor Dean Potter have come in for much criticism and have issued a press release saying that Dean did not break the law or damage Delicate Arch in anyway. Casey Sheahan, Patagonia CEO, said, “From the early days in the Tetons to the rebelliousness of Yosemite´s Camp 4, every generation of climbers has had its run-ins with government regulations that attempt to restrict climber´s freedom of expression. At Patagonia we don´t control the ways our sponsored athletes conduct themselves except to encourage respect for the environment and uncommon approaches to every challenge. Dean is at the pinnacle of free solo climbing, makes decisions for himself, and has our complete support.” Dean himself is asking for the support of the climbing community and for people to email Patagonia with their support.
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