Edu and Ramon again!

More News about Edu Marin (oh yeah, he´s still only 15) and Ramon Juliá (a veteran of 19) Now they´ve both sent White Zombie, 8c, in Baltzola, Basqueland, 2 tries!!, Magic Eye, 8b+/8c, Oñate, Basqueland, 3 tries. In ten days of climbing they´ve sent the following routes: EduHonky Tonky, 8c. (his first 8c) Mala vida, 8c, 2 tries White Zombie, 8c, 2 tries Magic Eye, 8b+/c, 3 tries Edu might not be the youngest person to climb 8c (Sharma?, Lindner?), but he´s definitely the first 15 year old to send three in 10 days, and also the first to do it 2nd try. Ramon Juliá Mafias, 8c, 6 tries Honky Tonky, 8c, 4 tries. Honky Mix, 8c+, 5 tries. Mala vida, 8c, 2 tries White Zombie, 8c, 2 tries , 8b+/c, 3 tries Fantastic!