Well you are likely to hear a lot more of him if you haven´t already! Richard, from Birmingham has been busy ticking lately, with thefollowing highlights from the past few productive months. Still only 18,Richard is no stranger to hard routes and bouldering, but this recentperiod is pretty impressive:- Boulder Problems “Pythagoras” V10/V11 (Llanberis Pass) “The Lotus” V11 (Llanberis Pass) “Rcok Attrocity Sit Start” V11 (Parisella´s Cave, Llandudno) “The Storm” V9/V10 (Stanage, Peak District) “Powerband traverse” V10 (Raven Tor, Peak District) “Bus Stop” V9/V10 “Stall Sit Start” V9/V10 (Gibb Tor) Also about ten More V9´s around the country.Routes “Yorkshire F8b”F8a+/F8b (Water Cum Jolley -Cornice, Peak District) “Chimes Of Freedom” F8a+ (Raven Tor, Peak District) Richard has also red pointed a further two more F8a+´s and about ten F8a´s Not content with just clipping bolts, Richard has added “Claim to Fame” E7 6c 1st ascent, as well as on sighting “Sausage on a stick” E6 6a Richard says he´s looking forward to the cooler conditions for the grit.It will be interesting to see if he can transfer his current boulderingand sport climbing skills onto the routes of the Gristone edges. Richard Bouldering