by Tom Briggs Last week, 13 of the UK´s most talented young climbers, aged 12 to 16, headed for Fontainbleau for 4 days of action as part of the BMC Adventureworks ´Extreme Bloc´ youth meet. They had earned their places through previous BRYCS comps. Despite damp weather, the youngsters managed to climb every day, visiting classic areas such as Trois Pignons, Isatis, Cuisiniere, L´Elephant and Bas Cuvier.Even though most had never been to Font before – one had never climbed outdoors – they took to the slopers and funky sequences characteristic of Bleau problems with youthful imagination and open-mindedness! Many classic problems were climbed, leaving the adults slack-jawed and repeatedly burnt off by the mini-crankers. Everyone had a brilliant time. So here it is: the next generation are aged 12, already know how to climb brilliantly, are fearless, 10 times more motivated and haven´t heard of excuses…it´s inspirational! Thanks to the BMC, Adventureworks and all involved.