The Extreme Film School will be run at the Kendal Mountain Film Festival again this year. Basically if you are a budding adventure film-maker and have £75 quid to spare – or £25 if you are a student – then this really is a superb opportunity. It´s a 3 day course, set in Kendal, lead by many of the leading adventure film makers in the industry. All the relevant equipment is provided, you can make your own film that is then screened at the festival. Check out the very detailed page on the festival website if you need more information and even watch last year´s films. The Kendal Mountain Festivals will take place between 10 and 19 November 2006. Other British festivals on the horizon include: Capital Climbing Festival – London: 14-15 October 2006 – Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival: 20-22 October 2006 – Fort William Mountain Film Festival: 13 February till 3 March 2007 – Sheffield Adventure Film Forum: 23-25 March 2007 – ———————————————————————– If you have any news worth reporting please contact Matt – / 0114 2969114 ———————————————————————–
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