Belgian, Nicolas Favresse(20) has shown great form in the US. At Rifle, he sent The crew, .14b/8c, in 13 tries, The 7pm show, .14a/8b+, Gamorrah, .14a/8b+, Soup nazi, .13d/8b, on-sighted The anti-Phil,. 13b/8a, flashed Bone machine, 13b/8a, and also flashed Spray-a-thon, .13c/8a+. At the end of his trip he travelled to Utah and quickly got the first ascent of the long-standing .14a/8b+ project Millenium at Maple Canyon Utah. News courtesy of The Deadpoint Nicolas´ hardest ticks before the trip was Mortal Combat, 8b/c, and Shingen, 8b+. A quick calculation of Nicolas´ score gives 11334 points. Soon you´ll be able to see his scorecard.
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